36th CIHA Congress: Interviews of the Participants en ligne sur la chaine youtube du CFHA

3 6th CIHA Congress: Interviews of the Participants https://www.youtube.com/@cfha-comitefrancaisdhistoi8273/videos Description : 36th Congress of the Comité International d’Histoire de l’Art Lyon 2024 Matter Materiality June 23-28, 2024   During the 36th CIHA Congress, 21 interviews with participants (chairs, speakers, and attendees) were conducted with the aim of preserving a record of the event. The brief interviews captured the participants’ firsthand impressions and experiences on several points: the organization of the Congress and its various programs, the human element, key highlights, as well as the opportunities provided by the theme, the gatherings, and the connections made. © Nicolas Dormont : www.nicolasdormont.com The 36th CIHA Congress was . . . → En lire plus